N.C. Uniform Power of Attorney Act, G.S. 32C
(CLE Sponsor 315, Course 76 - 1.25 hours general CLE)
Target AudienceClerks (for estates, guardianship, special proceedings) and other judicial officials; Department of Social Services attorneys and private attorneys
Course DescriptionThis live webinar will review the new North Carolina Uniform Power of Attorney Act under G.S. Chapter 32C. Panelists will review some of the key provisions of the law, including the impact on existing law, judicial relief procedures, and the effect on adult guardianship proceedings. Participants will be introduced to and gain a basic understanding of the new NCPOAA and how it will impact work in the clerk's office.
PresentersJanice Davies, Attorney, Davies Law, PLLC, and N.C. Board Certified Specialist in Estate Planning and Probate Law
L. Allison Smith, Assistant Legal Counsel, NCAOC Office of General Counsel
Meredith Smith, Assistant Professor of Public Law and Government, UNC School of Government
James Stanford, Clerk of Superior Court of Orange County
Co-Sponsored byN.C. Administrative Office of the Courts
UNC School of Government