Mecklenburg County Contact Directory
Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Mecklenburg County.
Mecklenburg County Courthouse
- Main
- (704) 686-0400
Other Contacts
- Caseflow Management
- (704) 686-0185
- Clerk of Superior Court
- (704) 686-0400
- Disability Access Coordinator
- (704) 686-0268
- District Attorney
- (704) 686-0700
- District Court Judges
- (704) 686-0101
- Drug Treatment Court
- (980) 314-1950
- Family Court
- (704) 686-0202
- Fine Collection Program
- (704) 686-0240
- Guardian ad Litem
- (704) 686-0075
- Jury Management
- (877) 649-7133
- Jury Management FAX
- (866) 228-9046
- Magistrates - Civil/Small Claims
- (704) 686-0560
- Magistrates - Criminal
- (704) 686-0050
- Superior Court Judges
- (704) 686-0100
- Trial Court Administrator
- (704) 686-0260
Civil Criminal Estate Special Proceedings |