Volunteer as an Attorney Advocate

GAL pro bono attorneys are vital appellate advocates for children.


Pro bono attorneys are a vital part of the North Carolina Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Program. These volunteer attorneys mostly handle appellate cases, and must have an active N.C. law license and malpractice insurance. As the GAL Program advocates for abused and neglected children in thousands of trial court cases, volunteer attorneys are needed to successfully advocate for cases on appeal. Pro bono attorneys can take on an appeal anywhere in the state on behalf of our program to ensure that a child’s best interests continue to be heard.

Attorney advocate and child on stairs


Pro bono attorneys receive free CLE training in basic abuse and neglect laws, court processes, and appellate advocacy. Pro bono attorneys also stay updated on current legal events through our GAL publications.

Sign up now by contacting the Guardian ad Litem Appellate Counsel.