All Things Judicial Focuses on District 11A Veterans Treatment Court
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The latest episode of All Things Judicial focuses on Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) in District 11A which covers Harnett, Johnston, and Lee counties. Guests include Veterans Court Director Zane Campbell, District Attorney Suzanne Matthews (Prosecutorial District 12), and Harnett County Clerk of Superior Court Renee Whittenton. In the interview, guests discuss the court's process, the issues veterans face returning to civilian life, and Campbell shares his experience as a graduate of VTC before becoming its director.
"I was struggling with opioid addiction. I was using substances to help combat all of the craziness that was going on in my head. Subconsciously, I didn't even realize what was going on," said Campbell on the podcast. "This court truly did save my life. I don't think I would be sitting here talking about any of this had it not been for this court."
VTCs are one of six types of Recovery Courts within the Judicial Branch. These courts are designed to assist chemically dependent offenders with their court ordered treatment plans. The VTC in District 11A is one of eight VTCs in the state which have the mission to help veterans involved in the court system due to mental health disorders, trauma, and substance use. The goal of each VTC is to connect eligible veterans with benefits and treatment earned through military service. To learn more about VTCs, please visit