By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Governor Cooper Appoints District Court Judge for Harnett, Johnston, and Lee Counties
Governor Roy Cooper has appointed Brad Salmon to serve as district court judge in Judicial District 12 (Harnett, Johnston, and Lee).
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

eCourts Kiosks Deploy to N.C. Courthouses with Scanners, Printers, Payment Services for the Public
New ADA-compliant, all-in-one self-service kiosks deploying to local courthouses starting in June.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

All Things Judicial Focuses on District 11A Veterans Treatment Court
The goal of each VTC is to connect eligible veterans with benefits and treatment earned through military service.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Harnett County Veterans Treatment Court Celebrates 10 Years
Veterans Treatment Court helps veterans involved in the justice system due to mental health disorders, trauma, and substance use.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

New “Address of Record with the Court”
Attorneys may update their profile at to include a mailing address, phone number, and email to be used for Rule 5 service.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

New Filing Code for Criminal Filings in File & Serve Effective June 1, 2023
Attorneys can now file under Criminal Motions and Order for DA Review in File and Serve if documents need to be reviewed by the DA's office.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Judicial Branch Expands Elevated Access for Private Counsel in eCourts
The update provides access to restricted information in cases for which an attorney is listed as an attorney of record.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Online Requests for Dismissal or Speeding Reduction of Traffic Citations Launches in Guide & File for eCourts Pilot Counties
Now available in Guide & File for eCourts pilot counties only (Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Wake).
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

eCourts is Now Live in Harnett, Johnston, Lee, and Wake Counties
eCourts is officially live in the four pilot counties (Harnett, Johnston, Lee, and Wake) today, Monday, February 13.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

MEMORANDUM to Attorneys: eFiling in eCourts Pilot Counties
Once eCourts is live, eFiling will be required for attorneys for any new filings made in these four counties.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Governor Cooper Announces Three Judicial Appointments
Governor Roy Cooper has announced three new judicial appointments across the state.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

eCourts Integrated Case Management Go-Live Date Announcement for February 13
The go-live date for the four pilot counties (Harnett, Johnston, Lee and Wake) for the eCourts ICMS and eFiling will be Monday, February 13.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Governor Cooper Appoints District Court Judge
Judge Craig James to serve as district court judge in Judicial District 11 (Harnett, Johnston, and Lee counties).
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

All Things Judicial Features an Interview with Former United States Senator Robert B. Morgan
Throughout a 50-year law practice, Morgan embodied professionalism and public service.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Additional eFiling Training Dates and Registration Now Available for Attorneys and Legal Staff
Additional virtual (Webex) training dates for File & Serve are now available for attorneys, paralegals, and legal staff to register.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

MEMORANDUM :: eCourts Launch Delay
In order to ensure a successful launch, the decision has been made to delay the pilot county eCourts Odyssey ICMS.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

eCourts Target Date for Pilot County Odyssey ICMS Implementation
The Odyssey ICMS is projected to launch in four pilot counties of Harnett, Johnston, Lee, and Wake.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

eFiling Coming to North Carolina Courts: Training Dates Announced for Attorneys
Training sessions will be offered both virtually and in person for File and Serve in September. Attorneys may register now.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Governor Cooper Appoints Two District Court Judges
Governor Roy Cooper has announced two district court judge appointments for Judicial Districts 8 and 11.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Harnett County Clerk of Superior Court's Office Temporarily Adjusts Operating Hours
Beginning Monday, January 10, the Harnett County Clerk of Superior Court's Office will operate in teams.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch