All Things Judicial Features an Interview with Former United States Senator Robert B. Morgan
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The latest episode of the All Things Judicial podcast features a 2002 interview with former United States Senator Robert B. Morgan. Before serving in the Senate, Morgan was a practicing attorney, a professor at Wake Forest Law School, clerk of superior court in Harnett County, President Pro Tempore of the North Carolina State Senate, and North Carolina Attorney General. In the interview, Morgan offers listeners a glimpse into his remarkable life, from his humble beginnings on a Harnett County farm, growing up without electric lights or running water, to serving in one of the highest public offices in the country. Throughout a 50-year law practice, Morgan embodied professionalism and public service.
"(The law) is a profession with a lot of pressures and temptations to cut corners," said Morgan on the podcast. "Fundamentally, most lawyers are highly ethical and honest and are not going to (be dishonest). But you have to be careful."
The interview was conducted by former North Carolina Court of Appeals Chief Judge Sidney Eagles and is part of the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism's historical video series. A video of this interview can be viewed on the Judicial Branch YouTube Channel.