N.C. Conference of Clerks of Superior Court 2017-18 Officers Sworn In
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The N.C. Conference of Clerks of Superior Court recently held a swearing-in ceremony for its newly elected executive officers, who will serve for the 2017-18 term. Supreme Court Justice Samuel J. Ervin IV administered the oaths of office, along with special remarks presented by N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts Director Judge Marion Warren.
Clerk Carol Allen White, Edgecombe County Clerk of Superior Court, was installed as the new president of the Conference for 2017-18 on September 21. Her husband, Robert, and close family were present during the ceremony.
"I am delighted and humbled to feel the affection and confidence that the members have shown toward me in electing me as president of the N.C. Conference of Clerks of Superior Court," stated Clerk White during her welcome speech. "We must maintain unity in order to help inspire efficiency in this season of transformation in the courts to all 100 counties!"
Clerk White served as first vice president of the Conference last year, along with being a legislative committee chair. She is a graduate of Shaw University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology and a minor in public administration. She is a native of Edgecombe County and began working at the courthouse in 1976. She was elected as the first female and first African-American to represent the county as Clerk of Superior Court in 1990. She was defeated in the 1994 election, but was resilient and re-elected in 1998, where she is now serving her sixth term in office. Clerk White is believed to be the first African-American president of the NCCCSC.
"Clerk White started her speech with words about grit, and the need for passion and perseverance," said Executive Director Jamie Lassiter. "We are excited to begin a new year of leadership with her true grit and build on the accomplishments of previous years."
The other officers sworn in included:
- Clerk Deborah Barker, Person County, first vice president
- Clerk Mark Hammonds, Anson County, second vice president
- Clerk Susan Frye, Forsyth County, secretary
- Clerk Marsha Johnson, Harnett County, treasurer
Along with the newly sworn-in officers, the Conference presented the 2016-17 President's Award to Clerk J. Yancey Washington, Granville County. This award was established for the purpose of recognizing a clerk who has given of themselves unselfishly to their work. Clerk Washington sacrifices his time coming to Raleigh for many legislative days and committee meetings to improve judicial efficiency and effectiveness. Additionally, the "Boots on the Ground" award for perseverance, dedication to the cause and grit was given to Clerk Barker, Person County.
The N.C. Conference of Clerks of Superior Court was created in 2006 by the N.C. General Assembly to improve the administration of justice in North Carolina. The Conference, consisting of the 100 elected clerks from across the state and supported by an executive director and administrative staff, works to improve public accessibility to the courts through the Clerk of Superior Court, serve as a resource for the clerks in key areas of court administration, and to act as a liaison on behalf of all elected clerks of Superior Court to both governmental and non-governmental stakeholders.