Pitt County Behavioral Health Treatment Court

An alternative to traditional probation, providing screening, support, and case management.


The Pitt County Behavioral Health Treatment Court (PCBHTC) is an alternative to traditional probation. Our program provides screening, support, and case management to persons who have a mental health diagnosis or a co-occurring disorder involving mental health and substance abuse.

The team includes the judge, district attorney, assistant public defender, court coordinator, mental health treatment provider, and probation officers.


The mission of the PCBHTC is to help individuals manage their mental wellness, end their encounters with police and the criminal justice system, and help individuals in creating and maintaining the skills needed to live their best life.

View the Pitt County Behavioral Health Treatment Court brochure.

Program Eligibility

  • Charged with a criminal offense – misdemeanor or felony, preference given to nonviolent offenses
  • Have a mental health diagnosis, mental health treatment history, or symptoms or behaviors indicating a need for a mental health assessment and treatment
  • Be motivated to participate actively with the PCBHTC guidelines
  • Engage in recommended mental health treatment
  • Minimum 45-day suspended sentence or conditional discharge
  • Be at least 18 years old AND a Pitt County resident
  • Must be competent
  • Ordered to participate as a condition of probation

How the PCBHTC Works

  • Complete the online referral form
  • Individual is contacted by treatment provider to set up an appointment to complete a Comprehensive Clinical Assessment (CCA)
  • After the assessment is completed, “The Team” will determine whether or not to extend an invitation to join the program
  • The referring party will receive a letter indicating your acceptance or denial into the program
  • If accepted, the participant reports to observe court and sign up

Program Expectations

  • Remain probation compliant
  • Participate with assigned case manager (dependent upon your specific need)
  • Engage in consistent therapy / treatment
  • Attend court regularly
  • Submit to random drug screens
  • Move through each phase (5 phases)


For more information, contact Court Coordinator Melissa Miller at 252-695-7264 or [email protected].