Routes of Appeal

Learn how the appeals process works.

N.C. courts routes of appeal

* Appeals from agencies must be heard by Court of Appeals before Supreme Court.

** Post-conviction-hearing appeals and reviews of valuation of exempt property under G.S. Ch. 1C are final with Court of Appeals.

*** The only first-degree murder cases with direct appeal to the Supreme Court (tried after December 1, 1995) are those where defendant receives a sentence of death.

Eviction Cases

This video provides a brief overview of the appeals process for eviction cases in our North Carolina courts. This video is purely educational and is not to be considered as legal advice. 

Driving While Impaired Cases

This video provides a brief overview of the appeals process for misdemeanor cases in our North Carolina courts. This particular hypothetical case involves a charge of driving while impaired. This video is purely educational and is not to be considered as legal advice. 

Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPO) Cases

This video provides a brief overview of the appeals process for a domestic violence protective order in our North Carolina courts. This video is purely educational and is not to be considered as legal advice. 

Felony Cases

This video provides a brief overview of the trial and appeals process for felony cases in our North Carolina courts. This particular hypothetical case involves a charge of burglary. This video is purely educational and is not to be considered as legal advice.