Request for Jury Service Excuse or Deferral Form

Excuses will be granted ONLY for reasons of compelling personal hardship. Requests for excuses and postponements for jury duty must be made by electronically using the requested form below, or by mail or fax. Your request CANNOT be handled by telephone.

Until you have received a response from the District Court Judge’s Office / Clerk of Superior Court’s Office, you are still required to appear at the county courthouse for jury duty on the specified summons date if your juror number is called. If you DO NOT receive a response to an excusal request, you are still required to appear for jury service if your juror number is called.

Requirements and Instructions to Use the Electronic Submission Form for Excusal

  • NOTE: Only Alamance, Beaufort, Bladen, Brunswick, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba, Chatham, Clay, Cleveland, Columbus, Cumberland, Durham, Forsyth, Graham, Henderson, Iredell, Johnston, Lincoln, McDowell, Montgomery, Moore, Orange, Pasquotank, Pitt, Polk, Randolph, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherford, Sampson, Stanly, Swain, Transylvania, Tyrrell, Union, Vance, Wake, and Watauga Counties are currently available for this form. For other counties, please see your summons or contact your courthouse for information.

You must have the following three (3) items and/or capabilities to use the electronic submission form for jury excusal:

  1. A valid and active email address.
  2. Supporting documentation of your excuse in accordance with the policy of the county where you are summoned to appear (i.e., copy of your driver's license to show proof of residency change or a doctor's note) must be clear and easily readable. Select your county below or see your county jury service page for the policy on required supporting documentation. Only one document per request can be uploaded.
  3. A device capable of producing or creating an electronic version of your provided supporting documentation (Acceptable file types include: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, or docx). Most cell phones or mobile devices will produce a jpg/jpeg files. If you take a picture of your supporting documentation with a cell phone or mobile device, you must know how to access it. If you use another device, such as a scanner, you must know how to access the file on your computer. Your proof must be attached to the appropriate request type and reason for your request. All proof must be in the upright position when uploaded. Once the upload begins, DO NOT interfere with or stop the process. No files should exceed 5 MB in size.

Attaching the wrong image, misspelled names, or other typographical errors will result in the denial of your excusal request and you will be required to appear in court on your assigned date and time.

The District Court Judge’s Office / Clerk of Superior Court’s Office and the County Sheriff’s Office are unable to answer questions regarding the three requirements for electronic submission of your request.

Statement of Agreement
By submitting the following Electronic Submission Form you are requesting to be disqualified or excused from jury service or to postpone/defer your jury service date. You understand that:

  • All requests must be submitted in accordance with the policy of the county where you are summoned to appear (e.g., minimum of ___ days prior to your jury service date.) Select your county below or see your county jury service page for the county policy.
  • An automated confirmation email will be sent to the email account specified in your excusal request to confirm receipt of your request.
  • It is your responsibility to monitor for a CONFIRMATION response from the District Court Judge’s Office / Clerk of Superior Court’s Office to determine if your request has been approved or denied.
  • If you do not receive a response indicating the status of your request at least 24 hours prior to your assigned jury date, you must comply with all the instructions indicated on your jury summons.
  • It is your responsibility to accurately enter all information. Improperly spelling your name or entering the incorrect file number will result in the immediate denial of your request.
  • Only one attachment per request can be uploaded. Before submitting the online form, please confirm that the electronic document attached is clear, readable, legible, and in the upright position.
  • Your request might not be granted.
  • Court / Clerk staff are unable to change any information once it has been submitted. It is your responsibility to ensure all information is correct and accurate before submitting your request.
  • All fields with a “*” are required.
  • Any submission with missing or incorrect required information will be denied.


Your Information

Select the county in which you have been summoned to appear. ONLY Alamance, Beaufort, Bladen, Brunswick, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba, Chatham, Clay, Cleveland, Columbus, Cumberland, Durham, Forsyth, Graham, Henderson, Iredell, Johnston, Lincoln, McDowell, Montgomery, Moore, Orange, Pasquotank, Pitt, Polk, Randolph, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherford, Sampson, Stanly, Swain, Transylvania, Tyrrell, Union, Vance, Wake, and Watauga Counties are currently available for this form. For other counties, please see your summons or contact your courthouse for information.

You may attach any supplemental documentation required for your request under this section.
If you are a full-time out of state student, a juror who is 72 years or older, or an individual who has a disability that could interfere with your ability to serve as a juror and wish to be excused, deferred, or exempted, please submit a signed statement of the ground of the request pursuant to G.S. 9-6.1 by attaching the signed statement under this section.

One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx.
Failure to Appear Acknowledgement