MEDIA ADVISORY :: Trey Allen to be Installed as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina
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Trey Allen will be installed as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina on Wednesday, January 4, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. Justice Allen will be invested during a ceremony to be held in the Supreme Court of North Carolina courtroom. The media and the public may watch the ceremony on the North Carolina Judicial Branch YouTube channel.
Justice Trey Allen will become an associate justice and will be joined by the Chief Justice and remaining associate justices of the Supreme Court of North Carolina.
Wednesday, January 4, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
The Supreme Court of North Carolina, 2 East Morgan Street, Raleigh, NC
Seating is limited. Media who would like to attend should arrive by 1:30 p.m. and should present credentials.
The Supreme Court of North Carolina is the state’s highest court, and there is no further appeal from its decisions on matters of state law. It is made up of the Chief Justice, who also serves as head of the Judicial Branch, and six associate justices. Each justice serves an eight-year term. The Supreme Court has no jury and makes no determinations of fact, but it considers whether error occurred at trial or in judicial interpretation of the law.