Juvenile Justice, Judicial Branch Workshop on Wednesday Focuses on School Justice Partnerships, School Safety
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A day-long conversation about the intersection of school safety, juvenile justice, law enforcement and the criminal justice system will take place in Cary on Wednesday, sponsored by the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts and the Juvenile Justice Section of the Department of Public Safety.
During this workshop on Wednesday, juvenile justice, education and law enforcement officials, along with judges, district attorneys, public defenders and juvenile program providers, will learn about school justice partnerships and be present as the NCAOC unveils its "School Justice Partnership Implementation Toolkit." This resource contains guidance to assist judicial districts in developing individualized school justice partnership agreements, which are an important component of the “Raise the Age” legislation, or the Juvenile Justice Reinvestment Act of 2017.
Wednesday afternoon, the spotlight will be on school safety, to include mental health intervention strategies and a panel on the role of school resource officers in North Carolina schools.
WHAT: School Justice Partnership Collaboration Workshop
WHERE: Cary Town Hall Council Chambers, 316 N Academy St. Cary, NC 27513
WHEN: Wednesday, April 25, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The School Justice Partnership is a group of community stakeholders who work together to establish specific guidelines for school discipline in a way that minimizes suspensions, expulsions, and school-based referrals to court for minor misconduct. The main goal of the SJP is to keep kids in school and out of court for routine misconduct at school. SJPs are being developed throughout North Carolina as a result of the state’s recently enacted Raise the Age law.