By North Carolina Judicial Branch
Caldwell County Court Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19
The courthouse has been sanitized and remains open for business at this time.
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A Caldwell County court employee has tested positive for COVID-19. All court employees in the courthouse have been tested as a precaution.
“The courthouse has been sanitized and remains open for business at this time,” said Caldwell County Clerk of Superior Court Angela Kidd. “All recommendations and guidelines provided by the Caldwell County Heatlh Department and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are being followed to protect the public and staff.”
If you must visit a courthouse, please remember the following:
- By order of the Chief Justice, only people with business at the courthouse will be allowed to enter.
- Masks or face coverings are encouraged, and in some locations may be required.
- Filings are encouraged to be mailed and will be treated as timely if received by mail within 5 days of the due date.
- You may be able to handle your ticket or citation through our online services. You can also sign up there for text and email reminders about your court date.
For more information regarding court operations during the pandemic, visit