All Things Judicial Podcast Episode Asks: Are North Carolina Courthouses Haunted?
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The latest episode of All Things Judicial is a crossover with the Judicial Branch's award-winning Fright Court YouTube series, which questions whether some of North Carolina's courthouses are haunted.
This episode begins by exploring the murder and subsequent alleged hauntings associated with the 1901 death of Elizabeth City resident Nell Cropsey. State Archivist Sarah Koonts walks us through the original Supreme Court of North Carolina case files related to the trial of Cropsey's accused murderer, Jim Wilcox, who is believed to be the only defendant to appear twice before the high court.
In this episode's second segment, a "paranormal investigation team" conducts a "ghost hunt" in the historic Cumberland County courthouse and seeks to answer the question as to whether North Carolina's courthouses are haunted. A video of the investigation is posted on the NCcourts YouTube channel.
Released on YouTube each Halloween season, the Judicial Branch's Fright Court and Haunted Courthouses of North Carolina series have proven to be the most popular videos on the NCcourts YouTube channel. Designed to draw attention to the Branch in a fun and interesting way, the series is on its twelfth episode and has earned almost 8,500 views. In addition, the North Carolina Association of Government Information Officers awarded the Fright Court video series first place in videography in 2019 and 2020. This is the first crossover episode with the All Things Judicial podcast.