All Things Judicial Focuses on North Carolina's School Justice Partnerships
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The latest episode of the All Things Judicial podcast focuses on North Carolina's School Justice Partnerships (SPJs), which are programs designed to keep kids in school and out of court. In the first segment of the podcast, we hear testimonials from judges, school superintendents, a county sheriff, and a district attorney who have partnered to form an SJP in their respective counties. Next, DeShield Greene, court management specialist in the Programs Division of the Administrative Office of the Courts, shares the broad perspective and scope of SJP implementation across North Carolina.
"There are about 51 counties that have school justice partnerships in place ... that's very impressive as they've really picked-up in the last two-to-three years," said Greene on the podcast. "The future is pretty bright for school justice partnerships."
An SJP is groups of community stakeholders which typically include school administrators, law enforcement, judges, court system and juvenile justice personnel, and others that develop and implement effective strategies to address student misconduct. SJPs work to reduce the number of suspensions, expulsions, and referrals to the justice system by timely and constructively addressing student misconduct when and where it happens, helping students succeed in school and preventing negative outcomes for both youth and their communities.
You can learn more about SJPs and their track record of success by viewing the SJP Fact Sheet on