All Things Judicial Features Interview with Former NCAOC Director Jim Drennan
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The latest episode of All Things Judicial features an interview with former North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts (NCAOC) Director Jim Drennan. Drennan was an expert on court administration issues, judicial ethics, and criminal sentencing while serving as a professor at the University of North Carolina School of Government. While there, he helped establish the Judicial College which provides education and training for judges, magistrates, and clerks of court. The interview was conducted by former NCAOC Director Franklin Freeman in 2012 for the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism.
"I have had the great privilege of working closely with people who manage the judicial system," said Drennan on the podcast. "They work hard every day to make justice a reality for people in this state."
Drennan began his career with the UNC School of Government in 1974. He taught and advised on court administration issues, judicial ethics and fairness, criminal sentencing, and judicial leadership. While on leave from the school from 1993–1995, he served as director of the NCAOC. Drennan is a graduate of Furman University and Duke University School of Law.
This interview is part of the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism's Historic Video Series. A video of this interview can be found on the NCcourts YouTube channel.