All Things Judicial Features an Interview with Guilford County Attorney G. Stevenson Crihfield
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The latest episode of All Things Judicial features excerpts of an interview with attorney G. Stevenson Crihfield from Guilford County. Crihfield practiced law for over 50 years in Guilford County and helped bring attention to mental health issues amongst attorneys. In the interview, he discussed his early life and career and shares a personal story about an attorney’s suicide that led him to focus on the issue of mental health in the legal profession.
"We did a scientific survey of the bar and what we learned was that there were an awful lot of lawyers that were not doing well in a variety of ways," said Crihfield on the podcast. "11 percent of the bar reported that they had thoughts of suicide in the last 30 days."
This interview was conducted in 2015 by Special Superior Court Judge Andrew R. Hassell for the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism. A video of this interview can be found on the NCcourts YouTube channel.