All Things Judicial Features a Roundtable Discussion About Courthouse Security
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The latest episode of All Things Judicial features a roundtable discussion about the importance of courthouse security in fulfilling the constitutional mission of the Judicial Branch that "... justice shall be administered without favor, denial or delay.” The guests on today’s episode are Lieutenant Greg Lockemy with the Johnston County Sheriff's Office, Major Greg Newkirk with the Wake County Sheriff's Office, and Deputy J.R. Ray with the Person County Sheriff's Office. These security professionals share personal stories and discuss a wide range of topics that include guarding against threats to courthouses and courthouse personnel, handling the media and jurors, providing first responder medical treatment, and projecting a generally positive attitude as the public's first contact at North Carolina's county courthouses.
"We don't have anything to sell, but we can sell ourselves," said Major Newkirk on the podcast. "And that means a pleasant attitude because it might not be a pleasant reason why they're (at court), but we can make it a very positive interaction with people while they're there."