26th Judicial District Extends Modified Court Schedule Until June 1st
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In the continued interest of the health and safety of the community and court personnel, we remain committed to balancing access to justice with the rapidly developing public health crisis that COVID-19 presents.
In accordance with the April 2nd and April 13, 2020, directives from North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley, stating that documents due to be filed from March 16, 2020 to June 1, 2020, will be deemed timely filed if received before the close of business on June 1, 2020, and that any actions required to be done during that time can be postponed until June 1, 2020, the 26th Judicial District has extended its modified court schedule until June 1, 2020.
Court offices in the Mecklenburg County Courthouse remain open for business. However, unless you are required to appear in-person to conduct your business, attorneys and the public will not be allowed into the building and should use email and telephone to communicate with staff of the Twenty-Sixth Judicial District.
Read the press release for details about clerk of superior court operational hours, magistrate and small claims, district court, superior court and jury duty.