By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Pitt County Criminal Court Sessions Cancelled for August 13
Sessions of district and superior criminal court are cancelled again for August 13 due to a court employee testing positive for COVID-19.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Pitt County Court Sessions Canceled for August 12
Sessions of small claims, district and superior court are canceled due to a courthouse employee testing positive for COVID-19.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Pitt County Courts to Hold First Session of Behavioral Health Treatment Court
The BHTC combines court supervision with mental health treatment.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Pitt County Court Officials Issue Administrative Order Requiring Face Coverings in the Courthouse
The Order takes effect at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 2, and will remain in effect until further notice.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Pitt County Court Officials Form COVID-19 Courthouse Advisory Committee
The committee will provide recommendations on how courthouse operations can resume in a safe, healthy, and timely manner.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Pitt County Schools, Law Enforcement, and Courts Start New Program to Keep Kids in School and Out of Court
Local court, school, law enforcement, juvenile justice and county officials convened to sign the SJP Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Pitt County Launches School Justice Partnership for Students
Program to focus on keeping kids in school and out of court.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Supreme Court Holds Sessions in Eastern North Carolina to Celebrate Bicentennial Anniversary
The Supreme Court of North Carolina held traveling sessions in Halifax, Greenville and New Bern to celebrate its bicentennial anniversary.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Supreme Court Celebrates Bicentennial Anniversary by Holding Court Sessions in Eastern North Carolina May 13-15
Watch live on Monday at 9:30 a.m. As part of its bicentennial celebration, the Supreme Court is holding sessions in Eastern North Carolina.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Chief Justice Martin Appoints Judge Gwynett Hilburn to Chief District Court Judge
Chief Justice Mark Martin has appointed Judge P. Gwynett Hilburn as chief district court judge for Judicial District 3A.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch

Governor McCrory Announces Judicial Appointment
Governor Pat McCrory has appointed Jeffery Foster as superior court judge in Judicial District 3A.
By North Carolina Judicial Branch