Two Judicial Branch Employees Honored with 2024 Caswell Awards for 45 Years of Public Service
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Congratulations to two Judicial Branch employees with 45 years of public service who have been honored with the 2024 Richard Caswell Award:
- Howard Parrish Hand Jr., Deputy Clerk, Gaston County
- Ella Wrenn, Court Administrator, Franklin County Superior Court (pictured above)
The prestigious Caswell Award is reserved for employees who have achieved the milestone of 45 years of service to the State of North Carolina. Administered by the Office of State Human Resources, this award recognizes employees for providing valuable and extended services in all areas of State government. It is named after Richard Caswell, who served as North Carolina’s first governor (1776-80, 1784-87), clerk of court in Orange County, state controller, and state senator. Like the award's namesake, honorees demonstrate an extraordinary commitment and dedication to the public. Since 2015, 180 state employees have been recognized for their extraordinary duration of service.
The recipients are commended by Governor Roy Cooper recognizing them for joining the distinguished ranks of long-serving employees who have earned the award established in tribute to North Carolina's first governor.