Support Guardian ad Litem's Peanut Butter and Jelly Campaign
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The North Carolina Guardian ad Litem Program (NCGAL) is accepting donations of plastic jars of peanut butter and jelly at offices across the state through January 20, with a goal of 10,000 jars for local food banks and pantries.
The goal of the 2017 inaugural campaign was to collect 1,000 plastic jars of peanut butter and jelly. However, at the conclusion of the drive, the program managed to collect over 8,000 jars of peanut butter and jelly, all of which was donated to local food banks to help feed North Carolinians.
NCGAL thanks its community partners and anyone who is able to contribute to make this a successful campaign. Those wishing to donate can find their local NCGAL office by visiting
About N.C. Guardian ad Litem
The North Carolina Guardian ad Litem equips and trains community volunteers to serve as independent court advocates to represent and promote the best interests of abused and neglected children and youths by advocating for their best interests. The Office of Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Services is a division of the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts. Pursuant to G.S. 7B-601, when a petition alleging abuse or neglect of a juvenile is filed in district court, the judge appoints a volunteer Guardian ad Litem advocate and an attorney advocate to provide team representation to the child, who has full party status in trial and appellate proceedings.
Could you be the voice for a child?
In 2016, more than 2,320 abused and neglected children and youth in North Carolina went to court without someone to advocate just for them. Volunteer to become a Guardian ad Litem Advocate and be the voice for a child.