, General News

Study of N.C. Judicial Branch Reaches Midpoint of Work

Public hearings scheduled in August as N.C. Commission on the Administration of Law and Justice (NCCALJ) reaches midway point of its work.

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Public Hearings Scheduled in August

The North Carolina Commission on the Administration of Law and Justice (NCCALJ) marked a milestone in its work today, reaching the midway point in its 16-month tenure. NCCALJ was convened by Chief Justice Mark Martin at the end of September 2015 to conduct a comprehensive review of the North Carolina Judicial Branch and to provide recommendations to him in January 2017.

NCCALJ has held 40 meetings over the past eight months, hearing from more than 100 presenters and speakers as its five committees focus on the following areas of inquiry: civil justice; criminal investigation and adjudication; legal professionalism; public trust and confidence; and technology.

A full commission meeting will be held on Friday, June 10, at the N.C. Bar Association's Bar Center, Cary, and is open to the public. That meeting will be followed later this summer by a six-week period of public comment on the Commission's work. NCCALJ will release interim reports in mid-July in anticipation of public hearings to be held in August across the state in the following locations:

Interim reports, online comments, and online sign-up for public hearings will be made available in mid-July at www.nccalj.org.