Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Officers Attend Lethal Weapon Conference
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Prosecutors and law enforcement officers from across the state joined together in Charlotte, March 9 - 13, for the Lethal Weapon Conference to learn more about investigating and prosecuting vehicular homicides.
Effective prosecution of impaired driving fatalities is a combination of trial skills, case preparation, and science. This intensive five-day course took the fear out of physics and armed participants with the tools necessary to combat impaired, aggressive, and distracted drivers who seriously injure and kill. Participants observed a crash and prepared their own file for all phases of a vehicular homicide trial.
This course was developed in cooperation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NCSHP Reconstruction Unit and other partners, and was funded by the N.C. Governor's Highway Safety Program. Participants included prosecutors and reconstructionist law enforcement officers.
See a video of the simulated crash from the training. Special thanks to the NCSHP Reconstruction Unit for organizing and facilitating the live crash.
For more information, please contact the N.C. Conference of District Attorneys at (919) 890-1500.