Pro Bono Resource Center Seeks Information about Pro Bono Legal Services for 2019
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The North Carolina Pro Bono Resource Center (PBRC) is collecting information from North Carolina attorneys about pro bono legal services provided in 2019. Pro bono reporting is an annual voluntary process that allows attorneys to share information about all the activities encouraged by North Carolina Rule of Professional Conduct 6.1: pro bono legal services; legal services at a substantially reduced fee; activities to improve the law, the legal system, or the legal profession; non-legal community service; and providing financial support to legal service providers.
“The provision of free legal services to those who cannot afford representation is not only encouraged by Rule of Professional Conduct 6.1, it is an affirmation of the highest ideals of our noble profession,” stated Chief Justice Cheri Beasley in a letter sent by email to North Carolina attorneys announcing the launch of this year’s reporting process.
The PBRC looks forward to even more attorneys being recognized as part of the North Carolina Pro Bono Honor Society this year as they report information about the good work being done in our state.
Chief Justice Beasley's letter also included an announcement regarding the launch of an exciting new program for our state: the North Carolina Faith and Justice Alliance (FJA). The FJA is a coalition of faith-based groups and communities of faith that will convene in the coming months to help respond to the legal needs of North Carolina’s residents who are in the greatest need of legal assistance. The FJA will empower legal practitioners to serve those in need of legal aid by partnering with the religious leaders and faith institutions that are so often the first to know of the legal issues facing the members of their community.
The deadline for North Carolina attorneys to share information about 2019 pro bono activities is March 31, 2020. For more information, or to report pro bono involvement, visit