North Carolina Conference of Clerks of Superior Court 2021-2022 Officers Sworn In
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The N.C. Conference of Clerks of Superior Court recently held their 2021 Summer Educational Conference in Carteret County at The Beaufort Hotel. This conference held an evening banquet where the 2021-2022 executive officers were sworn in by Chief Justice Paul Newby with Administrative Office of the Courts Director Judge Andrew Heath to help present awards.
The Honorable Raymond Matukso, Currituck County Clerk of Superior Court, was installed as the new president of the N.C. Conference of Clerks of Superior Court for 2021-2022 on September 23, 2021. Clerk Matusko has been active in the conference and NCAOC since his tenure as clerk of superior court began in 2010. He has seen technological improvements throughout the court system and is eager to be as president for the first year of eCourts with Tyler Technologies in North Carolina.
Chief Justice Newby administered the oath of office in the ceremony alongside the oaths of the other officers that include: The Honorable J. Yancey Washington, Granville County as 1st Vice President; The Honorable Kim Sigmon, Catawba County as 2nd Vice President; The Honorable Justin Minshew, Wayne County as Secretary; and The Honorable Jim Mixson, Iredell County as Treasurer of the Conference.
“Our motto is to serve clerks, unify efforts and improve justice,” said Executive Director Jamie Lassiter. “We are excited to begin a new year of leadership and build on the accomplishments of 2020-2021 under Past President Tonya Leggett, Martin County CSC.”
As incoming president, Clerk Matusko chooses an executive committee made up of different sized counties and their respective clerk. The 2021-2022 executive committee members include: Susie Thomas, Lee County CSC; Jess Hill, Colombus County CSC; Regina Billings, Wilkes County CSC; Susan Hicks, Moore County CSC; Lisa Brown, Onslow County CSC; JR Rowell, Union County CSC; and Lisa Johnson-Tonkins, Guilford County CSC. The executive committee meets monthly and discusses business as it relates to their roles, the court system, county issues, and the association.
Along with the newly sworn-in officers, the conference presented the 2020-21 President’s Award to the Honorable Justin Minshew, Wayne County Clerk of Superior Court. This award was established for the purpose of recognizing a clerk who has given of themselves unselfishly to their work. Clerk Minshew wrote many of our legislative documents to help organize our thoughts when we must respond as one voice. The “Boots on the Ground” award for perseverance, dedication to the cause and grit was given to the Honorable Jim Mixson, Iredell County Clerk of Superior Court. Clerk Mixson has not missed a committee meeting and has led efforts during COVID-19 to keep training available to the clerks as the training chair. The last award given is the “Rachel Joyner” award. This is a special award named after our long serving Nash County Clerk of Court who recently retired after 65 years in the clerks office. The Honorable Todd Tilley, Perquimans County Clerk of Superior Court, was presented this award for his admiration of his peers in what it means to represent and embody the spirit of the work of the clerk of court. This award is nominated and voted on by your peers each year and can be given to anyone who advances the role of the clerk in the court system.
More InformationThe Conference of Clerks of Superior Court was created in 2006 by the N.C. General Assembly to improve the administration of justice in North Carolina. The Conference, consisting of the 100 elected clerks from across the state and supported by an executive director and administrative staff, works to improve public accessibility to the courts through the clerk of superior court, serve as a resource for the clerks in key areas of court administration, and to act as a liaison on behalf of all elected clerks of superior court to both governmental and non-governmental stakeholders.