National and State Leaders Join Chief Justice Martin in Raleigh Today to Begin Study to Strengthen North Carolina's Court System
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Chief Justice Mark Martin today convened the inaugural meeting of the N.C. Commission on the Administration of Law and Justice (NCCALJ) to begin evaluating the ability of the court system to continue meeting and adapting to the needs and expectations of the people it serves. He charged the commission with conducting a thorough review of North Carolina's Judicial Branch and determining a plan to strengthen the courts. National leaders as well as leaders from North Carolina's private and public sectors attended in participation and support of Chief Justice Martin's charge.
"The work you are about to undertake is substantial. Our court system stretches across 100 counties, both rural and urban, and serves the people of the ninth most populous state in the nation," said Chief Justice Martin. "The size and diversity of our state's population demands a court system that is both innovative and flexible enough to deliver justice in a fair, balanced, and efficient manner."
"I believe that access to our courts for all citizens is the most important challenge we face," said Peter Koelling, director and chief counsel, judicial division, American Bar Association. "We are certain that there will be much that can be learned that we will be able to take back to other courts around the country."
To facilitate the commission's effective engagement of the statewide court system, five committees have been established to study the areas of civil justice, criminal investigation and adjudication, legal professionalism, public trust and confidence, and technology. Thirteen members are appointed to each committee to ensure a sufficient diversity of viewpoint to carry out each committee's work.
The five committees will meet separately in between full commission meetings. View the calendar of upcoming meetings. The commission's reports and recommendations will be made available to the courts, public, and General Assembly in early 2017.