Lisa Scales Named Cumberland County Clerk of Superior Court
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Lisa Scales, Senior Assistant Register of Deeds in Cumberland County, was announced today as successor to the interim Cumberland County Clerk of Court by Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Jim Ammons.
Scales will serve through the unexpired term of former Clerk Kim Tucker, who retired the end of July. Scales is expected to seek election to the office in 2018.
"Lisa Scales brings a wealth of management and leadership skills to the job of Clerk of Court," Judge Ammons said. "She is an absolute 'people person' who has respect of professionals throughout the courthouse and the community."
In addition to management and organization, Judge Ammons said Scales brings a positive attitude, a commitment to teamwork, and energy to the position.
"Lisa Scales is someone the people of Cumberland County will be proud to have serving as their Clerk of Court," Judge Ammons added.
Scales has served the public in Cumberland County for more than 30 years, having joined the Register of Deeds office in 1986. She is married to Cumberland County Sheriff's Lieutenant Darryl Scales. She and Darryl have a son who also serves as a deputy sheriff in Cumberland County.
Among her accomplishments are the following:
- Charles W. Moore Award for Superior Dedication to the Pursuit of Professional Knowledge and Excellence in Carrying out the Responsibilities of the North Carolina Registers of Deeds' Offices, presented by the N.C. Association of Registers of Deeds in September of 2015
- Received North Carolina Association of Register of Deeds Certification in 1990
- Advanced Register of Deeds Certification in 2009
- Served as Lead Human Resource Assessor and Trainer in the Register of Deeds Office
- Served on the N.C. Association of Register of Deeds Certification Committee since 2012
- Co-Chaired and coordinated community-wide effort to supply book bags and school supplies to more than 800 homeless children through the Register of Deeds Office, the Fayetteville Police Department, and the Cumberland County schools from 2009-2017
- Workshop planner and organizer at the state level for the N.C. Register of Deeds Association
- Chaired and served on many community boards and organizations
- Coordinated and contributed to campaigns for the United Way, the American Heart Association, and the American Red Cross
- Member of Military Spouses Association
- Past President of the Democratic Women of Cumberland County