Judicial Standards Commission 2017 Annual Report Now Available
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The N.C. Judicial Standards Commission, chaired by Court of Appeals Judge Wanda G. Bryant, is pleased to announce that its 2017 Annual Report is now available. The Commission reviews and investigates allegations of misconduct or disability made against judges and justices of the N.C. General Court of Justice and commissioners and deputy commissioners of the N.C. Industrial Commission. This report provides statistical data of the activities of the Commission in 2017.
About the Commission
Formed in 1973, the N.C. Judicial Standards Commission was established to consider complaints against judges of the General Court of Justice, which consists of state district, superior, and appellate court judges and justices and, where appropriate, to make recommendations for discipline.
The 13-member Commission is composed of five judges appointed by the Chief Justice: a Court of Appeals judge, two Superior Court judges, and two District Court judges. The State Bar Council appoints four attorneys, and four citizen members who are not judges or lawyers are appointed, two by the Governor and two by the General Assembly, one upon recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and one upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Court of Appeals judge operates as chair of the Commission and serves at the pleasure of the Chief Justice. Other members serve a six-year term.