Judicial Branch Launches PSA to Encourage Civic Education
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The N.C. Judicial Branch is launching public service announcements today for TV and radio to encourage civic education through the Judicial Branch Speakers Bureau. The PSAs will be placed in all media markets across the state to be aired immediately.
"Our state's Judicial Branch is committed to promoting the rule of law and civic literacy," said Chief Justice Mark Martin. "We hope that these PSAs and our Speakers Bureau will help North Carolinians better understand the vital role our courts play in government and their everyday lives."
The PSAs promote civic education through the Speakers Bureau, a free resource that encourages learning about the importance of democracy, the role of N.C. courts and recognizing the courts' upcoming milestone anniversaries. Led by Supreme Court Justices Paul Newby and Sam Ervin IV and Court of Appeals Chief Judge Linda McGee, the free Speakers Bureau is comprised of more than 300 members of the North Carolina judicial and legal community. Judicial officials, court staff, and private attorneys are made available to speak to civic organizations, community groups, schools and businesses on requested topics tailored to each audience.
The PSAs can be viewed and downloaded online.
A request for a speaker through the Judicial Branch Speakers Bureau can be made by visiting Celebrate.NCcourts.org/Speakers-Bureau. Please complete the online request form four to six weeks in advance of the desired speaking date. Speakers are provided based on availability.