, General News

IDS Launching New Payment System for Appointed Counsel in eCourts Counties

The new system OASIS works in tandem with Enterprise Justice (Odyssey) / eCourts for private assigned counsel to electronically invoice IDS.

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Indigent Defense Services (IDS) has developed a simple website for Private Assigned Counsel (PAC) who do non-capital, adult criminal, indigent defense work at the trial level in eCourts counties to electronically invoice IDS. This new system will allow IDS to pay PAC much more quickly than has been possible in the past with the paper- and mail-system. It also provides us with enhanced audit capabilities. We believe that quicker payment will help slow the attrition of PAC from the rosters.

We call it OASIS (the Online Attorney State Invoice System), and it works in tandem with Enterprise Justice (Odyssey) / eCourts.

The OASIS launch is now underway for some PAC in Mecklenburg County and for all PAC in the Second Judicial District. IDS is undertaking a phased rollout in the existing eCourts counties and will eventually expand the use of OASIS statewide, when eCourts is live in 100 counties. Attorneys in your district will receive notice and training before OASIS is implemented, and you will be notified of the go-live date in your district.

Judges will continue to review and sign fee apps in Enterprise Justice (Odyssey) and to enter civil judgments for recoupment in appropriate cases. IDS staff will audit the fee apps served on us against the court filings.

In about 0.25% of fee apps processed, a judge reduces a fee application outside the courtroom and after it is submitted for signature. In those very rare cases, we request that the judge contemporaneously email the IDS chief fiscal officer in order to ensure that the attorney is compensated at the approved amount.

I would like to acknowledge and thank the IDS staffers who designed and built this system. I would also like to thank NCAOC Director Ryan Boyce and the NCAOC auditors and tech staffers who collaborated with IDS to make OASIS a reality.

For more information, refer to the OASIS webpage and the FAQ document. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or concerns.


Mary Pollard
IDS Executive Director