Court Employees Receive Courthouse Employee of the Year Awards for 2023
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Four Judicial Branch employees were recently presented with the 2023 Courthouse Employee of the Year Award sponsored by the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism.
Johnston County Assistant Clerk Deanna LittleDeanna Little was nominated for this award by several peers. She has served in the Johnston County Clerk’s Office since 2008, and currently serves as the lead assistant as well as a hearing officer in the estates division. According to the nomination, Little “has learned how to hold court and remain a gentle, empathetic listener to better accomplish the administration estates.” Little supervises other clerks with a keen awareness of the need for work / life balance. Little is actively involved in the implementation of Odyssey, better known as eCourts, in Johnston County. Little also serves in a leadership role for the North Carolina Conference of Assistant and Deputy Clerks.
Buncombe County Deputy Clerk J. Dianne Jamerson
Dianne Jamerson was sworn in on June 11, 2010, as a deputy clerk with the Buncombe County Clerk's Office in the estates division. Clerk of Superior Court Steve Cogburn decided to move her to be the designated jury clerk for the county “due to her desire to help others and her first-rate professional approach to her duties.” Clerk Cogburn has since received numerous written compliments regarding Jamerson's professionalism and performance. As part of the award nomination, Clerk Cogburn submitted cards and letters that he has received from the public over the years filled with accolades regarding Jamerson.
Richmond County Magistrate Carrie Prelipp
Magistrate Carrie Prelipp has served in the Richmond County Magistrate’s office for over 10 years. Prelipp's previous role working in the District Attorney’s Office made her a great fit the Magistrate's Office. According to her peers, Prelipp is “someone other magistrates can go to day or night with questions regarding the intricacies of issuing criminal processes.” Prelipp presides over civil and criminal cases and “works well with various court-related offices and agencies including law enforcement, the Clerk’s Office, and the Register of Deeds Office.”
North Carolina Guardian ad Litem District Administrator David Brad Renegar
North Carolina Guardian ad Litem (NCGAL) District Administrator Brad Renegar serves District 30 (Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Macon, Swain, Jackson, and Haywood Counties). Renegar leads a team of 5 GAL Supervisors, 5 contract attorney advocates, and 190 child advocate volunteers in a district that generally serves 500 child clients. Managing the workload of the district is complex and challenging due to the mountainous terrain of far western North Carolina and the rural nature of the counties. Renegar has forged strong community relationships, and has worked wit the District 30 staff to recruit, train, and retain a sufficient number of child advocate volunteers to represent the children in this area. In addition to the geographical challenges, the area also lacks dependable internet and mobile phone connectivity. Renegar and his team work with 7 courts and Clerk of Courts Offices, 7 County Departments of DSS, and 7 school districts. Renegar serves on Community Child Protection Teams, Child Fatality Prevention Teams, and Juvenile Crime Prevention Councils. Renegar, who previously served as a juvenile court counselor and court counselor supervisor with the N.C. Department of Juvenile Justice, celebrates 12 years with NCGAL in November 2023.