Chief Justice Martin and Judge Warren Visit Cherokee County
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Chief Justice Mark Martin and NCAOC Director Judge Marion Warren met with Cherokee County judicial officials and court staff as the Judicial Branch begins its efforts to implement the court system improvements recommended by the N.C. Commission on the Administration of Law and Justice (NCCALJ). The multi-disciplinary commission released its final report in early March following 15 months of information gathering, public input, and thorough consideration.
It is important to have dialogue with our judicial officials and court staff who are administering justice every day across the state," said Chief Justice Martin. "As we work to modernize our judicial system, we want to understand the needs of our courts and show our appreciation for Judicial Branch employees, from Murphy to Manteo, who work hard every day to provide justice for all in our great state."
They met with Chief District Court Judge Richard Walker, Clerk of Superior Court Roger Gibson, and courthouse staff during their visit. Discussing and understanding the issues that you face locally helps to learn how the Judicial Branch can solve them together.
"The Commission's final report provided a road map that will allow us to construct a court system that meets 21st century needs and expectations," said Judge Warren. "We are excited about this opportunity to enact positive, and meaningful reforms. There is no greater value than rolling up your sleeves and standing together to improve the delivery of court services that our citizens need and expect every day."
The goal of visiting county courthouses is to ensure that courts have the resources they need to fulfill the mission of the Judicial Branch: to protect and preserve the rights and liberties of all the people, as guaranteed by the Constitutions and laws of the United States and North Carolina, by providing a fair, independent and accessible forum for the just and timely resolution of their legal affairs.