Celebrate Pro Bono Week in North Carolina October 22-28
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Celebrate Pro Bono Week in North Carolina October 22-28 with the N.C. Equal Access to Justice Commission, N.C. Pro Bono Resource Center, and Guardian ad Litem. The Judicial Branch joins the American Bar Association and other organizations in celebrating the pro bono service of attorneys in North Carolina and across the country. See the following resources and opportunities available to help celebrate Pro Bono Week across the state.
N.C. Pro Bono Resource Center
According to the N.C. Pro Bono Resource Center (PBRC), North Carolina attorneys are generous with their time and financial contributions. Rule 6.1 of the North Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct encourages attorneys to provide at least 50 hours of pro bono legal services annually and to contribute financial support to organizations that provide legal services to persons of limited means. The goal of the Resource Center is to increase pro bono participation statewide.
The PBRC, a program of the N.C. Equal Access to Justice Commission, launched in April 2016 to work with North Carolina attorneys to increase pro bono legal services. Pro bono legal services - legal services provided without fee or expectation of fee to persons of limited means, charitable organizations that are designed to address the needs of persons of limited means, or public interest organizations who cannot afford to pay - are the activity that can lead to statewide recognition. The Rules of Professional Conduct encourage a variety of ways for attorneys to serve our state, and the PBRC collects information about these important contributions, including: (1) activities to improve the law, such as leadership in professional legal associations, service on boards of legal service providers to clients of limited means, or active participation in employer pro bono committees; (2) non-legal community service; and (3) providing financial support to legal service providers, such as Legal Aid of North Carolina, Legal Services of Southern Piedmont, and Pisgah Legal Services.
The Resource Center provides opportunities for attorney volunteers, trainings, and helps legal service providers to recruit pro bono attorneys. Find pro bono opportunities available.
Guardian ad Litem Pro Bono Attorneys
Pro bono attorneys have become a vital part of the North Carolina Guardian ad Litem (GAL) program since the inception of the Pro Bono Project. With offices in every county of the state, the GAL program offers a variety of opportunities for attorneys who want to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children.
GAL provides free CLE training for our pro bono attorneys in basic abuse and neglect laws, court processes, and appellate advocacy. The greatest current and ongoing need is for pro bono attorneys to handle appellate cases. Needs vary from county to county, and include filing and defending appeals, and serving as the Guardian ad Litem in abuse and neglect cases. For more information, contact
- [email protected] or 1-800-981-4041
- GAL Pro Bono Attorneys webpage
- volunteerforgal.org