James Mixson

Clerk Of Superior Court
Clerk of Superior Court

James Lee Mixson III (Jim) was sworn in as Iredell County’s Clerk of Superior court on December 3, 2012. Mixson is a 1988 Honor Graduate of Mitchell Community College where he was a member of Phi Theta Kappa and a 1990 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree. Mixson served as a State Probation/Parole Officer for over 17 years and specialized in sex offender control for six years. In addition to his normal duties, Mixson was heavily involved with the development of the N.C. Community Corrections current case planning model in addition to conducting training in case planning, motivational interviewing, and the Justice Re-investment Act. Prior to his service as a probation officer, Mixson held numerous management positions with Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated.

Born in Georgetown South Carolina, Mixson is a long-time resident of Statesville. Mixson is the past Chairman of the Iredell County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council, a member of the Board of Directors for Iredell County Crimestoppers, and a member of the Iredell County Domestic Violence Task Force. He is a member and Past President of the Statesville Rotary Club and the current Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 609 in Statesville. He served as the District Commissioner for the Boy Scouts of America for over five years and served as the Drug Demand Reduction Program Administrator for the North Carolina Wing of the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol. A member of the Phi Theta Kappa International Alumni Association, Mixson received an Advanced Training Certificate for the North Carolina Department of Justice in 2004 and was named a Paul Harris Fellow by the Statesville Rotary Club in 2008. His other accomplishments include: The President’s Volunteer Service Award, a Commander’s Commendation from the Civil Air Patrol and both the District Award of Merit and the Scoutmaster Award of Merit from the Boy Scouts of America.

Mixson is active in the North Carolina Conference of Clerks of Superior Court. He currently serves on the Legislative Committee, Technology Committee and Public Relations Committee and a member of the Conference’s Executive Committee In addition, he is the current Chairman of the Conference’s Training Committee. In September 2021 Mixson was presented the “Boots on the Ground Award” by the conference for his leadership in developing innovative means of delivering training to North Carolina’s elected, assistant and deputy clerks of court during the pandemic.

Since 2019, Mixson has served as a Commissioner on the North Carolina Sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission. The North Carolina Sentencing and Advisory Commission makes recommendations to the North Carolina General Assembly for the modifications of sentencing laws and policies, and for the addition, deletion, or expansion of sentencing options as necessary to achieve policy goals. The Commission has 28 members drawn from all three branches of government; from all areas of the criminal justice system; and from the public.

The role of Ex-officio Judge of Probate is one of the Clerk’s roles that is often overlooked but it is vital to each county in North Carolina. The Clerk of Superior Court is the presiding judicial officer in all matters concerning guardianships, probate, estates and most special proceedings. In that role Mixson has completed specialized training in Incompetency Determinations and Foreclosure Proceedings. In addition, he has completed the Judicial District Executive Seminar program through the North Carolina Judicial College at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill’s School of Government.


Mailing address

226 Stockton St.
Statesville, NC 28677
United States

(704) 832-6600