104 Publications
Decedent's Estate Procedures Pamphlet
Provided as a public service to assist persons who are involved with a decedent’s estate to highlight some common processes utilized.
Current Court Costs
Attorney’s Guide to Mediation
Covers best practices on how to navigate a case through mediation under Dispute Resolution Commission’s Program Rules and Standards.
Guide to Assist NCDRC Certified Mediators with Filing their Reports of Mediator
Dispute Resolution Commission guide for eCourts / eFiling for mediators.
eCourts Public Access Kiosk Guide
Use the kiosk to access eCourts applications (Guide & File, File & Serve, and Portal), print records, and scan documents.
2023-2024 Court Costs
Permanency Mediation Program Uniform Rules
eCourts Name Indexing Standards
To provide uniformity and consistency when indexing/adding party names in File & Serve and Enterprise Justice (Odyssey), and for the
eCourts Portal Advanced User Guide
Find information and step-by-step guidance for using Portal to access and search court information and records.
Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument (YASI) Bench Card
A risk, needs, and strengths assessment for justice involved youth, used for measuring risk of recidivism and developing service plans.
eFiling File & Serve Guide
Find an overview and high level eFiling processes in File & Serve - Filer Process and Additional Information for Filers.
eCourts FAQs for Attorneys (Bar Q&A)
A “living” document that will be updated by the NCAOC with additional eCourts questions and clarifications for attorneys.
Clerk of Superior Court Brochure
Learn about the crucial role of the clerk of superior court in the processing of cases and the disposition of justice.
ACEs-Informed Courts Bench Card
Information about trauma-informed courtroom interactions, procedures, and considerations.
Procedures for a Hearing on a Contested Setoff Claim Arising Out of a Docketed Judgment
Setoff debt collection procedures.
2021-2022 Court Costs
2021 Waiver Lists
2022 Waiver Lists
2023 Waiver Lists
Current Waiver Lists