115 Publications
History of the North Carolina Judicial Branch
History of the Superior Court Judges of North Carolina
District Courts at 50
District Courts Overview Presentation
Judicial Branch Bookmark
About the Judicial Branch Word Scramble
About the Judicial Branch Word Search
Discussion Questions, Quiz, & Answer Key for UNC-TV Supreme Court of North Carolina Documentary
History of North Carolina Courts (Parts I & II)
Part 1 – How Our Courts Came to Be: The Theory, Formation and Evolution of The Rule of Law and North Carolina’s Unified Courts.
Judicial Branch Seal Coloring Sheets
North Carolina Significant Events Fact Sheet
North Carolina has a rich and storied history that began before the nation's founding until the present day.
North Carolina's 3 Branches of Government Fact Sheet
This fact sheet describes the structure of North Carolina state government and the role the Judicial Branch plays with in it.
2020 Waiver Lists
2020 Court Costs
Statistical and Operational Reports 2019-20
Appellate Courts, Budget Management and Financial Services, Court Programs, Human Resources, and Trial Courts
eCourts Guide & File Fact Sheet
eCourts Guide & File is a free online service to help users prepare court documents to file for certain case types.
NCAOC COVID-19 Field Guidance to Local Judicial Officials
Disability Access Policy and Procedure for Grievances
NCAOC makes every reasonable effort to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to the courts.
Statistical and Operational Reports 2018-19
Appellate Courts, Budget Management and Financial Services, Court Programs and Services, Human Resources, and Trial Courts
2019 Court Costs