Appellate Court Opinions

Slip opinions (court's decision in a case) filed and written by the justices of the Supreme Court or judges of the Court of Appeals

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34,637 Appellate Court Opinions

, Court of Appeals , COA21-455 (Judge Darren Jackson) , Published
In re: J.N.J.

abuse, neglect, and dependency; while some of trial court's findings were unsupported by the record evidence, the court's supported findings supported its adjudications of neglect and dependency

, Court of Appeals , COA22-13 (Judge Hunter Murphy) , Published
In re: M.C.

Neglect adjudication; clear and convincing evidence; substantial risk of physical, mental, or emotional impairment; status of the child; past social services involvement with other children.

, Court of Appeals , COA22-240 (Judge April Wood) , Published
In re: T.D.N.

Permanency planning order; Permanent plan; Reunification efforts; Material Contradictions; Internal inconsistencies; Clerical error; Department of Social Services; DSS

, Court of Appeals , COA22-323 (Judge Richard Dietz) , Unpublished
Michael Baer v. Melissa Baer

Interlocutory appeal; partial summary judgment; breach of contract claim; partial summary judgment on contract damages; genuine issues of material fact as to remaining portion of contract damages; substantial right

, Court of Appeals , COA22-283 (Judge Darren Jackson) , Published
MidFirst Bank v. Brown

secured transactions; execution on lien by sheriff's sale extinguished liens recorded after sale; sheriff's deed did not control what encumbrances remained on property; equitable subrogation did not apply to place holder of lien recorded after sheriff's sale in the position of prior lien holder where judgment was publicly recorded before loan transaction was consummated; lien holder could not have been excusably ignorant of prior lien, despite misrepresentation regarding judgment by debtor

, Court of Appeals , COA22-391 (Judge Allegra Collins) , Published
Ricky Spoon Builders, Inc. v. EmGee, LLC

no full compliance where Plaintiffs did not deposit an earnest money deposit before the Agreement expired on 3 November 2020 at 5:00 p.m.; no substantial performance where the envelope containing the earnest money deposit was post-marked 5 November 2020 and received 16 November 2020.

, Court of Appeals , COA22-523 (Judge Donna Stroud) , Published
Rollings v. Shelton

domestic violence protective order (DVPO), motion to dismiss, act of domestic violence, causing bodily injury

, Court of Appeals , COA22-196 (Judge Chris Dillon) , Published
State v. Bailey

writ of certiorari, probation, Rule 2, abuse of discretion

, Court of Appeals , COA22-247 (Judge Richard Dietz) , Unpublished
State v. Bucky Scott Smith

Second degree murder; fatal motor vehicle accident; challenge to admission of expert testimony; plain error; accident reconstruction; retrograde extrapolation; ruling on discovery violation; Rule 404(b) evidence of license revocation; motion to dismiss; sufficiency of evidence of driving and malice

, Court of Appeals , COA22-34 (Judge Fred Gore) , Unpublished
State v. Charles Dunn

habitual impaired driving; plain error; post-arrest silence; opinion testimony; motor vehicle collision; State?s closing argument; ex mero motu

, Court of Appeals , COA22-486 (Judge Darren Jackson) , Unpublished
State v. Chunn

trial court did not err in admitting hearsay statements of victim as hearsay declarant's state of mind at the time of the statement; trial court did not err in denying defendant's motion to dismiss where evidence of motive and opportunity were sufficient to support first-degree murder charge

, Court of Appeals , COA22-52 (Judge John Tyson) , Published
State v. Fabian

First-Degree Sexual Offense with a minor;
Statutory Rape of a Child;
Indecent Liberties;
Motion to Dismiss;
Failure to Object;
Plain Error Review;
Rule404(b) - similar victims;
Rule 403
Defendant's Admissions;
Prosecutor's Remarks During Closing Arguments;
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel

, Court of Appeals , COA22-439 (Judge Jefferson Griffin) , Unpublished
State v. Frederick Bowers

Prior inconsistent statements, impeachment, material versus collateral, extrinsic evidence.

, Court of Appeals , COA22-278 (Judge Valerie Zachary) , Unpublished
State v. Greer

evidence; Rule 404(b); Rule 403; sex crimes

, Court of Appeals , COA22-279 (Judge Jeff Carpenter) , Unpublished
State v. Hunter

Jury instructions; lesser included offense; all the evidence tends to show a shooting with a deadly weapon with the intent to kill.