Appellate Court Opinions

Slip opinions (court's decision in a case) filed and written by the justices of the Supreme Court or judges of the Court of Appeals

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34,637 Appellate Court Opinions

, Court of Appeals , COA19-790 (Judge Tobias Hampson) , Published
State v. Smith

Grounds for setting aside bond forfeiture; Failure to make material findings of fact; Appellate review of written order.

, Court of Appeals , COA19-527 (Judge Tobias Hampson) , Unpublished
State v. Swindell

Submitting lesser-included offenses of trafficking in heroin to the jury; Plain error

, Court of Appeals , COA18-1295-2 (Judge Richard Dietz) , Unpublished
State v. Tucker

Satellite-based monitoring; State's burden to show reasonableness under Fourth Amendment

, Court of Appeals , COA19-1017 (Judge Wanda Bryant) , Unpublished
State v. White

Witness Testimony; Plain Error; Electronic Monitoring Device.

, Court of Appeals , COA19-692 (Judge Christopher Brook) , Published
State v. Williamson

robbery with a dangerous weapon; fatal variance argument not preserved for appellate review; evidence of dangerousness required to support submission of robbery with a dangerous weapon charge to jury; evidence that gun was inoperable or non-deadly insufficient on its own to establish dangerousness of gun; absence of evidence of dangerousness of inoperable or non-deadly gun required dismissal of robbery with a dangerous weapon charge; improper judicial comment on the evidence; prejudice showing not met by judicial comment on the evidence; no record of required habitual felon colloquy required remand for habitual felon colloquy or proof of habitual felon status

, Court of Appeals , COA19-990 (Judge Allegra Collins) , Unpublished
State v. Wyatt

4th Amendment; denial of motion to suppress; specific basis justifying search; reasonable steps taken during search to protect privacy

, Supreme Court , 437PA18 (Justice Sam Ervin IV) , Published
Chavez v. McFadden

Whether state judicial officials have the authority and jurisdiction to rule on the legality of immigration arrest warrants and detainers issued by the federal government requesting local law enforcement agencies to detain individuals suspected of violating federal immigration laws for at least 48 hours after their state criminal matters have been resolved.

, Supreme Court , 216A19 (Justice Paul Newby) , Published
Draughon v. Evening Star Holiness Church of Dunn

Whether defendant had a duty to warn plaintiff about a step outside of defendant's building that was significantly different in height and appearance than the other steps; whether plaintiff was contributorily negligent when he tripped on defendant's steps.

, Supreme Court , 230A19 (Justice Robin Hudson) , Published
In re A.J.T.

Termination of parental rights; whether the trial court abused its discretion by concluding that termination was in a child's best interest.

, Supreme Court , 295A19 (Justice Cheri Beasley) , Published
In re A.L.S.

Termination of parental rights; willful abandonment; no attempt by parent to contact the child; motion to continue; denial of second continuance for witness who fails to appear at hearing; no abuse of discretion.

, Supreme Court , 292A19 (Justice Paul Newby) , Published
In re C.R.B.

Termination of parental rights pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1111(a)(1)-(2) (2019). No-merit review pursuant to Rule 3.1(e) of the North Carolina Rules of Appellate Procedure.

, Supreme Court , 314A19 (Justice Paul Newby) , Published
In re C.V.D.C.

Termination of parental rights; trial court's best interests determination is reviewed for abuse of discretion; written findings are not required for dispositional factors in N.C.G.S. 7B-1110(a) absent conflicting evidence.

, Supreme Court , 129A19 (Justice Cheri Beasley) , Published
In re F.S.T.Y.

Termination of parental rights; whether due process requires that a nonresident parent have minimum contacts with the State in order to establish personal jurisdiction over him or her for purposes of termination of parental rights proceedings.

, Supreme Court , 281A19 (Justice Sam Ervin IV) , Published
In re I.N.C.

Termination of parental rights; Best interest determination pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1110.

, Supreme Court , 300A19 (Justice Michael Morgan) , Published
In re J.M.J.-J.

Appeal from an order terminating respondent's parental rights pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1111(a)(1); neglect.

, Supreme Court , 274A19 (Justice Cheri Beasley) , Published
In re L.T.

Termination of parental rights; Subject matter jurisdiction under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act.

, Supreme Court , 455A18 (Justice Michael Morgan) , Published
Routten v. Routten

Appeal from a child custody dispute between two parents; whether the trial court erred by denying defendant visitation with her children without first making a finding under N.C.G.S. 7B-1109(f) based on clear, cogent, and convincing evidence that defendant was an unfit parent or acted inconsistently with her constitutionally protected status as a natural parent; whether the trial court erred in delegating to plaintiff the discretion to allow visitation between defendant and the children.