Appellate Court Opinions

Slip opinions (court's decision in a case) filed and written by the justices of the Supreme Court or judges of the Court of Appeals

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34,637 Appellate Court Opinions

, Court of Appeals , COA20-710 (Judge John Tyson) , Unpublished
Zielinski v. Blackwell

Modification of child custody; change in employment and residence; review of evidence prior to permanent order; documents missing from court file; motion for new trial; findings to support award of attorney fees.

, Supreme Court , 411A20 (Justice Michael Morgan) , Published
In re B.J.H.

Termination of parental rights; adjudication under N.C.G.S. 7B-1111(a)(2); evaluating parent's progress at the time of the adjudicatory hearing rather than subsequent dispositional hearing; parent's refusal to sign DSS case plan; lack of court order requiring parent's compliance with case plan.

, Supreme Court , 19A21 (Justice Phil Berger Jr.) , Published
In re D.C.

Appeal from order terminating respondents' parental rights; termination of respondents' parental rights pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1111(a)(3); failure to pay for the cost of care for the juvenile; whether the trial court conducted the adjudicatory hearing under a fundamental misapprehension of the law.

, Supreme Court , 528A20 (Justice Tamara Barringer) , Published
In re D.J.

Termination of parental rights; whether the trial court erred by denying respondent's motion to continue; whether the trial court complied with the requirements of the Indian Child Welfare Act.

, Supreme Court , 382A20 (Justice Sam Ervin IV) , Published
In re D.T.H.

Termination of parental rights based upon neglect by abandonment pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1111(a)(1), dependency pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1111(a)(6), and abandonment pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1111(a)(7).

, Supreme Court , 39A21 (Per Curiam) , Published
In re J.D.D.J.C.

No-merit appeal pursuant to Rule 3.1(e) of the North Carolina Rules of Appellate Procedure from an order terminating parental rights pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1111(a)(1), (2), (6), and (9).

, Supreme Court , 48A21 (Justice Robin Hudson) , Published
In re K.B.

Appeal from an order terminating respondents' parental rights; whether the evidence supports the trial court's findings of fact and whether the findings of fact supports its conclusion that respondent-mother's parental rights should be terminated pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1111(a)(1) (2019); whether the trial court abused its discretion in concluding that it was in the children's best interests that respondent-father's parental rights be terminated.

, Supreme Court , 500A20 (Justice Phil Berger Jr.) , Published
In re K.J.E.

Termination of parental rights for willful abandonment pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1111(a)(7); whether the trial court made sufficient findings of fact to support the conclusion that grounds existed to terminate parental rights.

, Supreme Court , 501A20 (Justice Anita Earls) , Published
In re L.H.

Termination of parental rights for neglect pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1111(a)(1); whether the findings of fact were supported by evidence and supported a likelihood of repetition of neglect.

, Supreme Court , 83A21 (Justice Michael Morgan) , Published
In re M.R.F.

Termination of parental rights; trial court's failure to state the standard of proof used to make adjudicatory findings of fact; insufficient evidence to support adjudication.

, Supreme Court , 37A21 (Justice Michael Morgan) , Published
In re M.R.J.

Termination of parental rights; subject matter jurisdiction; standing; whether petitioner had custody of the juvenile by order of a court of competent jurisdiction; determination of juvenile's best interests; whether the trial court acted under a misapprehension of law regarding the effect of respondent-mother's specific relinquishment of her parental rights.

, Supreme Court , 364A20 (Justice Paul Newby) , Published
In re M.Y.P.

Appeal from order terminating respondent's parental rights; termination of respondent's parental rights pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1111(a)(1); whether the trial court erred by excluding respondent's testimony at disposition; whether the trial court erred in the dispositional phase by failing to state the applicable standard of review.

, Supreme Court , 5A21 (Justice Tamara Barringer) , Published
In re T.M.B.

Termination of parental rights pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7B-1111(a)(9) on the grounds that respondent had parental rights to a child previously terminated and lacked the willingness or ability to establish a safe home.

, Supreme Court , 292A20 (Justice Paul Newby) , Published
State v. Hilton

Whether a search effected by the imposition of lifetime satellite-based monitoring upon a defendant convicted of an aggravated offense pursuant to Section 14-208.6(1a) of the North Carolina General Statutes is reasonable under the Fourth Amendment; whether the imposition of satellite-based monitoring constitutes a general warrant in violation of the North Carolina Constitution.

, Supreme Court , 233A20 (Justice Paul Newby) , Published
State v. Ricks

Whether the Court of Appeals erred by allowing defendant's petition for writ of certiorari and invoking Rule 2 of the North Carolina Rules of Appellate Procedure to hear defendant's unpreserved challenge to the trial court's orders imposing lifetime satellite-based monitoring.