Appellate Court Opinions

Slip opinions (court's decision in a case) filed and written by the justices of the Supreme Court or judges of the Court of Appeals

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19,117 Appellate Court Opinions

, Court of Appeals , COA22-129 (Judge Fred Gore) , Unpublished
BS & HS LLC, P.P.S. v. Nyalkaran, Inc.

lease agreement; breach of contract; implied-in-fact contract; indemnification; unjust enrichment; attorney?s fees; N.C.G.S. 6-21.6

, Court of Appeals , COA22-37 (Judge Chris Dillon) , Unpublished
Grier v. Grier

criminal contempt, attorneys fees, insufficient means

, Court of Appeals , COA22-266 (Judge Tobias Hampson) , Unpublished
In re A.M.S.

Juvenile Delinquency; Admission of Responsibility; Fully Informed Choice; Mental Health Evaluation

, Court of Appeals , COA22-605 (Judge Allegra Collins) , Unpublished
In re J.B.

Juvenile; Invited error

, Court of Appeals , COA22-314 (Per Curiam) , Unpublished
In re KW

3.1 parental termination; best interests of child analysis

, Court of Appeals , COA22-286 (Judge Fred Gore) , Unpublished
In re L.D.G.

motion to dismiss for insufficient evidence; simple assault; disorderly conduct

, Court of Appeals , COA22-323 (Judge Richard Dietz) , Unpublished
Michael Baer v. Melissa Baer

Interlocutory appeal; partial summary judgment; breach of contract claim; partial summary judgment on contract damages; genuine issues of material fact as to remaining portion of contract damages; substantial right

, Court of Appeals , COA22-247 (Judge Richard Dietz) , Unpublished
State v. Bucky Scott Smith

Second degree murder; fatal motor vehicle accident; challenge to admission of expert testimony; plain error; accident reconstruction; retrograde extrapolation; ruling on discovery violation; Rule 404(b) evidence of license revocation; motion to dismiss; sufficiency of evidence of driving and malice

, Court of Appeals , COA22-34 (Judge Fred Gore) , Unpublished
State v. Charles Dunn

habitual impaired driving; plain error; post-arrest silence; opinion testimony; motor vehicle collision; State?s closing argument; ex mero motu

, Court of Appeals , COA22-486 (Judge Darren Jackson) , Unpublished
State v. Chunn

trial court did not err in admitting hearsay statements of victim as hearsay declarant's state of mind at the time of the statement; trial court did not err in denying defendant's motion to dismiss where evidence of motive and opportunity were sufficient to support first-degree murder charge

, Court of Appeals , COA22-439 (Judge Jefferson Griffin) , Unpublished
State v. Frederick Bowers

Prior inconsistent statements, impeachment, material versus collateral, extrinsic evidence.

, Court of Appeals , COA22-278 (Judge Valerie Zachary) , Unpublished
State v. Greer

evidence; Rule 404(b); Rule 403; sex crimes

, Court of Appeals , COA22-279 (Judge Jeff Carpenter) , Unpublished
State v. Hunter

Jury instructions; lesser included offense; all the evidence tends to show a shooting with a deadly weapon with the intent to kill.

, Court of Appeals , COA22-328 (Judge Jefferson Griffin) , Unpublished
State v. Jamie Juarez

Rules of Evidence 403 and 412, false accusation of sexual assault, disputed recollection, low probative value.