Appellate Court Opinions

Slip opinions (court's decision in a case) filed and written by the justices of the Supreme Court or judges of the Court of Appeals

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19,139 Appellate Court Opinions

, Court of Appeals , COA16-517 (Judge Douglas McCullough) , Unpublished
State v. Glisson

motion to continue; ineffective assistance of counsel; first-degree murder

, Court of Appeals , COA16-695 (Judge Douglas McCullough) , Unpublished
State v. Hensley

sentencing; probation point; NCGS § 15A-1340.16(a6)

, Court of Appeals , COA16-643 (Judge Ann Calabria) , Unpublished
State v. Morris

Motion for mistrial; Sex offender registration; Aggravated offense; Satellite-based monitoring; Ineffective assistance of counsel.

, Court of Appeals , COA16-822 (Judge Richard Dietz) , Unpublished
State v. O'Shields

Competency to Stand Trial; Challenge to Jury Instructions

, Court of Appeals , COA16-754 (Judge Chris Dillon) , Unpublished
State v. Pye

Motion to suppress, DWI, reasonable suspicion, driver?s license checkpoint, three-point turn

, Court of Appeals , COA16-394 (Judge Douglas McCullough) , Unpublished
Doe v. Catawba Coll.

judgment on the pleadings; NCGS § 1A-1, Rule 12(c)

, Court of Appeals , COA16-805 (Judge Ann Calabria) , Unpublished
In re: R.A.S.

Juvenile delinquency; Sexual battery; Subject matter jurisdiction.

, Court of Appeals , COA16-789 (Judge Mark Davis) , Unpublished
Lee v. Collins

Summary judgment; dog bite; premature; genuine issue of material fact

, Court of Appeals , COA16-453 (Judge Ann Calabria) , Unpublished
State v. Baker

Motion to dismiss; Serious physical injury.

, Court of Appeals , COA16-645 (Judge Rick Elmore) , Unpublished
State v. Baker

Motion to Suppress, statutory mandate

, Court of Appeals , COA16-544 (Judge Chris Dillon) , Unpublished
State v. Bouknight

Motion to suppress, Terry frisk, reasonable suspicion, criminal history

, Court of Appeals , COA16-674 (Judge Ann Calabria) , Unpublished
State v. Brooks

Sale and delivery of cocaine; Motion to Dismiss; Fatal variance

, Court of Appeals , COA16-880 (Judge Ann Calabria) , Unpublished
State v. Carlton

Anders brief following Alford plea; misdemeanor assault on a government official, N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 14-33(c)(4).

, Court of Appeals , COA16-919 (Judge Ann Calabria) , Unpublished
State v. Dominguez

Motion to preserve evidence; Anders v. California.

, Court of Appeals , COA16-974 (Judge John Tyson) , Unpublished
State v. Edwards

safecracking, NCGS 14-89.1(b)unlawfully removes; acting in concert; motion to dismiss for insufficient evidence.

, Court of Appeals , COA16-685 (Judge Ann Calabria) , Unpublished
State v. Holden

Felony breaking and entering; Lesser included offense; Ineffective assistance of counsel.

, Court of Appeals , COA16-680 (Judge Ann Calabria) , Unpublished
State v. Hostetler

Defendant's right to appeal following a guilty plea, N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 15A-1444(a2); subject matter jurisdiction; State's motion to dismiss defendant's appeal.