Appellate Court Opinions

Slip opinions (court's decision in a case) filed and written by the justices of the Supreme Court or judges of the Court of Appeals

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15,497 Appellate Court Opinions

, Court of Appeals , COA08-1530 (Judge Barbara Jackson) , Published
State v Miller

Reasonable suspicion; plain error review

, Court of Appeals , COA08-1497 (Judge Sanford Steelman) , Published
State v Porter

Motion to Dismiss; common law robbery; misdemeanor larceny

, Court of Appeals , COA08-1329 (Judge Cheri Beasley) , Published
State v Ray

Prior bad acts - inadmissible

, Court of Appeals , COA08-1042 (Judge Barbara Jackson) , Published
State v Rivens

Reasonable suspicion; juvenile delinquency adjudication as aggravating factor in adult criminal proceeding

, Court of Appeals , COA08-961 (Judge Robert Hunter Jr.) , Published
State v Streater

First-degree sexual offense; first-degree rape; resentencing

, Court of Appeals , COA08-1185 (Judge Cheri Beasley) , Published
State v Yarborough

Kidnapping; fatal variance; burglary; evidence of nighttime entry; felony murder; no accident defense

, Court of Appeals , COA08-1432 (Judge John Martin) , Published
State, Ex. Rel. v Eason

Requirements for UIFSA support petition verification pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 52C-3-310

, Court of Appeals , COA08-1410 (Judge John Martin) , Published
Yurek v Shaffer

No abuse of discretion in denial of Rule 60(b) motion to set aside consent judgment granting custody

, Supreme Court , 389PA07 (Per Curiam) , Published
Brown v. Ellis

Alienation of affection; out-of-state defendant; long-arm personal jurisdiction under N.C.G.S. � 1-75.4(4)(a)

, Supreme Court , 484PA07 (Justice Robin Hudson) , Published
Craig v. New Hanover Cty. Bd. of Educ.

Complaint for monetary damages; whether existence of a state remedy barred by sovereign immunity can prevent assertion of a state constitutional claim for the same alleged injury

, Supreme Court , 541A07 (Per Curiam) , Published
Ellison v. Gambill Oil Co.

Third-party exception under N.C.G.S. � 143-215.83(b)(2)(d) to strict liability for discharging petroleum products into state waters

, Supreme Court , 30A09 (Per Curiam) , Published
Helm v. Appalachian State Univ.

Whether plaintiff sufficiently alleged that she was engaged in protected activity under the State Whisleblower Act to survive a motion to dismiss

, Supreme Court , 22A09 (Per Curiam) , Published
In re J.Y. & N.Y.

Termination of parental rights; whether failure to issue summons of TPR proceedings to children deprived trial court of subject matter jurisdiction

, Supreme Court , 37A09 (Justice Paul Newby) , Published
In re K.J.L.

Whether clerk's failure to sign summonses issued in a child neglect proceeding deprived the trial court of subject matter jurisdiction over both that proceeding and a later proceeding that terminated parental rights based on the earlier finding of neglect

, Supreme Court , 568A08 (Per Curiam) , Published
In re S.N., X.Z.

Termination of parental rights; whether failure to issue summons of TPR proceedings to children deprived trial court of subject matter jurisdiction