Appellate Court Opinions

Slip opinions (court's decision in a case) filed and written by the justices of the Supreme Court or judges of the Court of Appeals

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32,006 Appellate Court Opinions

, Court of Appeals , COA19-435 (Judge Allegra Collins) , Published
State v. Pratt

Jury instruction on entrapment not warranted where defendant failed to show lack of predisposition to commit crimes charged; error to enter civil judgment for attorney's fees without providing defendant opportunity to be heard thereupon

, Court of Appeals , COA19-607 (Judge Lucy Inman) , Unpublished
State v. Scott

Polygraph test
Rule 403
Mitigating factor
Presumptive range

, Court of Appeals , COA19-331 (Judge Lucy Inman) , Unpublished
State v. W.brook

Closing argument
Prior record level
Ineffective assistance of counsel

, Court of Appeals , COA19-664 (Judge Allegra Collins) , Unpublished
State v. White

clerical error in judgment; sale and delivery of methamphetamine; arresting judgment

, Court of Appeals , COA19-556 (Judge Valerie Zachary) , Unpublished
State v. Wilson

hearsay; present sense impression exception; attempted robbery with a dangerous weapon; lesser-included offenses

, Court of Appeals , COA19-348 (Judge John Arrowood) , Unpublished
State v. Yates

motion to dismiss - substantial evidence; misdemeanor cruelty to animals NCGS 14-360(a); restitution as condition of probation NCGS 1343(d) - aggrieved party; NCGS 19A-70

, Court of Appeals , COA19-762 (Judge Tobias Hampson) , Published
Holmes v. Moore

Voter ID; Preliminary Injunction

, Court of Appeals , COA19-710 (Judge Allegra Collins) , Published
Mace v. NC Dep't of Ins.

prayer for judgment continued; conviction under N.C.G.S. 58-2-69; adjudication of guilt

, Court of Appeals , COA19-234 (Judge John Arrowood) , Unpublished
McMaster v. McMaster

child custody; lack of standing; NCGS ? 50-13.1(a); conduct inconsistent with protected parental status

, Court of Appeals , COA19-646 (Judge John Tyson) , Published
Poindexter v. Everhart

Military pension division; subject matter jurisdiction; personal jurisdiction; breach of separation agreement; equitable remedy; specific performance; 10 USC 1408; NCGS 7A-244; unincorporated agreement; forum selection clause.

, Court of Appeals , COA19-491 (Judge John Arrowood) , Unpublished
Rezvani v. Carnes

violations of NCRAP jurisdictional rules, requiring dismissal; NCRAP 9, 25, 34

, Court of Appeals , COA19-151 (Judge Donna Stroud) , Published
State v. Angram

motion to dismiss, robbery with a dangerous weapon

, Court of Appeals , COA19-543 (Judge John Tyson) , Unpublished
State v. Boyd

Common law robbery; felony larceny from the person; valid indictment; inchoate crimes; plain error review; lessert-inclunded offense

, Court of Appeals , COA19-456 (Judge Allegra Collins) , Unpublished
State v. Clark

motion to suppress evidence; search warrant application; probable cause; Franks challenge to veracity of search warrant affidavit