Appellate Court Opinions

Slip opinions (court's decision in a case) filed and written by the justices of the Supreme Court or judges of the Court of Appeals

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32,006 Appellate Court Opinions

, Court of Appeals , COA20-105 (Judge Reuben Young) , Unpublished
In re: Bezanson

Concealed carry permit, Mental illness, Constitutionality, Evidence

, Court of Appeals , COA19-783 (Judge Wanda Bryant) , Unpublished
In re: E.J.R.

Adjudication; Dependency; Disposition

, Court of Appeals , COA19-849 (Judge Chris Dillon) , Unpublished
In re: E.M.G. and K.S.G.

neglect; custody; juvenile petitions; physical, mental, or emotional impairment; kinship placements

, Court of Appeals , COA19-1132 (Judge Christopher Brook) , Published
In re: M.H.

dependency adjudication; necessity of findings related to suitable alternative care arrangement to support dependence adjudication; identification of alternative care arrangement by parent before child was born undermined dependence adjudication; findings that parent had unstable housing and lacked employment did not support dependence adjudication

, Court of Appeals , COA19-1032 (Judge Phil Berger Jr.) , Unpublished
Israel v. Israel

child support, bad faith, underemployment, imputed income, income calculation

, Court of Appeals , COA19-727 (Judge Tobias Hampson) , Published
Lambert v. Town of Sylva

Jury Instructions; Municipal Liability Under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983; No Prejudicial Error

, Court of Appeals , COA19-914 (Judge John Arrowood) , Published
Price v. Biggs

Civil Contempt, NCGS s.s. 5A-21, 23; Child support; Due process re opportunity to be heard, US. Const. Amends. V, XIV, N.C. Const. art. I, s. 19

, Court of Appeals , COA19-1026 (Judge Tobias Hampson) , Published
Sparrow v. Fort Mill Holdings, LLC

Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act; Full faith and credit; Anti-deficiency statute; Public-policy exception to enforcement of a foreign judgment; Intrinsic fraud

, Court of Appeals , COA19-495 (Judge Valerie Zachary) , Published
State v. Cruz

accessory after the fact; obstruction of justice; jury instructions

, Court of Appeals , COA19-884 (Judge Tobias Hampson) , Published
State v. Duncan

Motion to Suppress; Reasonable suspicion; Terry frisk; Attenuation doctrine

, Court of Appeals , COA19-855 (Judge John Tyson) , Unpublished
State v. Hunt

Assault on law enforcement officer inflicting serious injury; simple assault; corroborative statements; cross examination and limiting instructions; Rule 801; knowledge versus willfully.

, Court of Appeals , COA19-723 (Judge Valerie Zachary) , Unpublished
State v. Jenkins

sentencing; prior record level; substantial similarity analysis

, Court of Appeals , COA19-665 (Judge Chris Dillon) , Unpublished
State v. Land

prior record level; prior record level worksheet; sentencing points; resentencing

, Court of Appeals , COA19-950 (Judge Richard Dietz) , Published
State v. Lee

Miranda waiver; knowing and voluntary confession; promise or inducement in exchange for confession

, Court of Appeals , COA19-1167 (Judge Reuben Young) , Unpublished
State v. Luck

Probation Revocation, Good Cause

, Court of Appeals , COA19-794 (Judge Tobias Hampson) , Published
State v. McMillan

Deviation from Pattern Jury Instruction; Jury Instruction on Actual and Constructive Possession; Subject-Matter Jurisdiction to Correct Judgment After Notice of Appeal.