Appellate Court Opinions

Slip opinions (court's decision in a case) filed and written by the justices of the Supreme Court or judges of the Court of Appeals

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32,006 Appellate Court Opinions

, Court of Appeals , COA20-291 (Judge Darren Jackson) , Published
State v. Parker

probable cause supported officer's search of vehicle where officer smelled what he believed was marijuana and passenger admitted smoking marijuana recently and produced marijuana from his person; there was no error in jury instructions stating that Cyclopropylfentanyl and N-ethylpentylone were controlled substances where evidence was contradicted that substances were chemical analogues or derivatives of listed controlled substances

, Court of Appeals , COA20-381 (Judge Tobias Hampson) , Unpublished
State v. Rivera

Certiorari; Plain error; Motions to Dismiss for Insufficient Evidence

, Court of Appeals , COA20-541 (Judge Valerie Zachary) , Published
State v. Spinks

constitutional right to a speedy trial; mistrial based on juror misconduct; statutory right to effective counsel in SBM proceedings

, Court of Appeals , COA20-372 (Judge Jefferson Griffin) , Unpublished
Waugh v. States Res. Corp.

Interlocutory, res judicata, collateral estoppel, substantive right, foreclosure order, consent order, actually litigated

, Court of Appeals , COA20-770 (Judge John Tyson) , Unpublished
Zhang v. Pearce

Pro se appeal; Rules of Appellate Procedure; gross and substantial violations.

, Court of Appeals , COA20-307 (Judge Darren Jackson) , Unpublished
Baldwin v. James

child custody; trial court did not err in awarding father primary physical and joint legal custody of child

, Court of Appeals , COA20-453 (Judge Darren Jackson) , Unpublished
Bradley v. Tapia

summary ejectment; trial court did not err by concluding that insufficient evidence supported defendant's claim that she was plaintiff's partner; supported factual findings supported relevant legal conclusions

, Court of Appeals , COA20-425 (Judge Lucy Inman) , Unpublished
Gray v. Holliday

Custody; grandparents; reliance on DVPO; standard of proof

, Court of Appeals , COA20-430 (Judge Fred Gore) , Unpublished
House v. Rice

operative words of conveyance; deed; intent of the grantor

, Court of Appeals , COA20-576 (Judge Darren Jackson) , Unpublished
In re E.Y.B.

abuse, neglect, and dependency; trial court did not abuse its discretion denying motion for continuance; order awarding custody of minors to legal father contained necessary findings; waiver of further reviews was not error; and there was no abuse of discretion in refusing biological father visitation

, Court of Appeals , COA20-771 (Judge Jeff Carpenter) , Unpublished
In re J.P.

Neglect; findings of fact; constitutionally-protected parental status; adjudication order; dispositional order; custody granted to a non-parent; improper application of best interest analysis

, Court of Appeals , COA20-848 (Judge Valerie Zachary) , Unpublished
In re M.Y.

waiver of right to counsel; supervised visitation; delegation of judicial function; costs of visitation

, Court of Appeals , COA20-161 (Judge Fred Gore) , Unpublished
Maxwell v. Maxwell

Civil contempt; motion to show cause; issue preclusion

, Court of Appeals , COA20-393 (Judge Fred Gore) , Unpublished
State v. Boger

Criminal contempt, summary proceedings

, Court of Appeals , COA19-1009 (Judge Donna Stroud) , Unpublished
State v. Christopher

Conspiracy to commit burglary, at night element, motion to dismiss

, Court of Appeals , COA20-20 (Judge John Tyson) , Published
State v. Crudup

Felony larceny; felony breaking and entering; habitual felon; waiver of counsel; abuse of discretion; refusal to participate in trial; standby counsel.