Appellate Court Opinions

Slip opinions (court's decision in a case) filed and written by the justices of the Supreme Court or judges of the Court of Appeals

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32,006 Appellate Court Opinions

, Court of Appeals , COA21-27 (Judge Jeff Carpenter) , Published
In re: B.H.

Permanency planning order; appointment as guardians; N.C. Gen. Stat. § 7B-600(c) (2019); N.C. Gen. Stat. § 7B-906.1(j) (2019); understanding of legal significance; collective understanding; sufficiency of findings

, Court of Appeals , COA20-561 (Judge Allegra Collins) , Published
McElhaney v. Orsbon & Fenninger, LLP

appeal of order denying summary judgment on election of remedies defense dismissed as interlocutory; interlocutory order denying summary judgment on collateral estoppel defense affected a substantial right and was immediately appealable; collateral estoppel did not bar plaintiffs? claims where defendants failed to show that the issue was actually and necessarily decided in the preceding action.

, Court of Appeals , COA18-1150-2 (Judge Valerie Zachary) , Unpublished
State v. Allen

motion to dismiss for insufficient evidence of defendant as perpetrator; viewing evidence in the light most favorable to the State; testimony of identity

, Court of Appeals , COA20-658 (Judge John Tyson) , Unpublished
State v. Bailey

Misdemeanor assault; unlawful seizure without a warrant; motion to dismiss for insufficient evidence-probable cause; misdemeanor committed outside the presence of an officer.

, Court of Appeals , COA20-597 (Judge John Arrowood) , Published
State v. Barnes

lifetime satellite-based monitoring; petition for writ of certiorari; Rule 2

, Court of Appeals , COA20-754 (Judge Valerie Zachary) , Unpublished
State v. Barr

Anders review; guilty plea

, Court of Appeals , COA20-499 (Judge John Arrowood) , Published
State v. Beck

issues are whether trial court erred by failing to dismiss one of two conspiracy charges involving the same criminal plot and whether the court abused its discretion by failing to provide the jury with a copy of the transcript of a trial witness

, Court of Appeals , COA20-543 (Judge Tobias Hampson) , Unpublished
State v. Best

Motion for Mistrial; Juror Misconduct

, Court of Appeals , COA20-550 (Judge Valerie Zachary) , Published
State v. Billings

satellite-based monitoring; relief under Grady III; subject-matter jurisdiction

, Court of Appeals , COA20-608 (Judge Tobias Hampson) , Published
State v. Brantley-Phillips

Obtaining Property by False Pretense; Sufficiency of Evidence; Fatal Variance of Jury Instructions

, Court of Appeals , COA20-501 (Judge Richard Dietz) , Unpublished
State v. Brown

Challenge to denials of motions to suppress; petition for a writ of certiorari; argument raised on appeal different from basis for motions in trial court; appellate argument not preserved

, Court of Appeals , COA20-530 (Judge Fred Gore) , Unpublished
State v. Freeman

kidnapping; restraint for the purpose of inflicting serious bodily harm; sufficiency of the evidence.

, Court of Appeals , COA20-705 (Judge John Arrowood) , Unpublished
State v. Frye

issues are whether court committed plain error by failing to inform jury of its decision to sustain objection and whether court abused its discretion by admitting alleged inflammatory evidence

, Court of Appeals , COA20-644 (Judge Darren Jackson) , Published
State v. Gibson

trial court did not err in denying motion to dismiss where driver's license and social security card were competent evidence of defendant's identity; no notice an opportunity to be heard on the issue of attorney's fees is required when payment is required as a condition of probation under State v. Friend

, Court of Appeals , COA20-390 (Judge Fred Gore) , Published
State v. Gonzalez

Subpoena, telephone service, failure to appear, show cause hearing, and criminal contempt

, Court of Appeals , COA20-735 (Judge John Tyson) , Unpublished
State v. Harris

Drug trafficking, ineffective assistance of counsel, Franks v. Delaware hearing, right to speedy appeal, prejudice, concurrent sentences.