Appellate Court Opinions
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32,661 Appellate Court Opinions
Court of Appeals Published Opinions Filed March 19, 2025
Court of Appeals Unpublished Opinions Filed March 19, 2025
Ayala v. Perry
class action, motion to dismiss, personal jurisdiction, failure to state a claim, governmental immunity, substantial right, interlocutory appeal, jurisdiction, dismissed
Beacon Pointe Owners Ass'n, Inc. v. Corrigan
notice of appeal, certificate of service, Rule 3, Rule 26
Fehl v. Appalachian State Univ.
Office of Administrative Hearings; OAH; Administrative Law Judge; ALJ; interview; career-status employee; priority; back pay; salary range; de novo; whole record; arbitrary; capricious; whimsical; findings of fact; material facts; calculation; damages; abandoned on appeal
In re: A-A.H-T.
Disposition order; abuse, neglect, dependency; abuse of discretion; case plan requirements; steps towards reunification; remedying conditions that led to juvenile's adjudication; injurious living environment; medical abuse; best interests of the juvenile.
In re: A.J.B.
termination of parental rights; N.C.G.S. 7B-1104 compliance; subject-matter jurisdiction
In re: B.C. & I.C.
abused and neglected juveniles; appropriate alternative child care arrangement; dependency adjudications vacated
In re: B.M. & C.M.
termination of parental rights; neglected juvenile; legal guardianship; understand legal significance of appointment; abuse of discretion
In re: E.B.
juvenile code; best interests; guardianship; visitation; permanency planning; ineffective assistance of counsel
In re: J.F.
Award of custody to a non-parent;
Permanency planning order;
Required N.C. Gen. Stat. § 7B-906.2(d)(3) (2023) findings;
Adequate Resources;
In re: R.X.F., G.T.F., D.R.F.
termination of parental rights, findings of fact, N.C.G.S. 7B-111(a)(1)
Muse v. Daimler Trucks N. Am.
accident; industrial commission; discipline; workplace; inappropriate language; tort; findings of fact; conclusions of law; employee
Sherrill v. Simpson
public official immunity, negligence, summary judgment
State v. Bailey
Felony breaking or entering a motor vehicle; Felony larceny; Plain Error; Waiver; Confrontation Clause; Recorded Recollection
State v. Earley
attempted first degree murder; assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury; AWDWIKISI; error; plain error; grossly improper; closing argument; silence; shooting; handgun; Fifth Amendment; Miranda; prejudice; untimely objection; unpreserved error.
State v. Evans
Anders brief
State v. Fuller
Right to counsel; Right to be present in courtroom; substantially similar offenses; Identity Theft
State v. Hatcher
Trespass; Defense of Right; Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
State v. Jackson
First-degree murder; robbery with a dangerous weapon; admissibility of rap lyrics; relevancy; unfair prejudice; probative value; balancing test; Rule 401; Rule 403; closing argument; ex mero motu; evidence to the jury room over objection; no prejudicial error.